Soul Mates, Twin Flames

What The Tarot Can Teach Us About Love

Understanding Ourselves Through Tarot

Through the tarot, we gain profound insights into our emotional needs and readiness for love. It’s a tool that helps illuminate the fears and doubts that often lurk beneath the surface, potentially hindering our relationships. Having conducted thousands of psychic tarot readings worldwide, I’ve found that about 90% of querents enquire about attracting or nurturing romantic relationships. This statistic isn’t surprising—research shows that the quality of our relationships massively impacts our overall wellbeing and happiness. Finding love isn’t just a quest; it’s a journey toward feeling truly seen, supported, and accepted by someone who is on the same frequency and values that we do.  This makes the world seem more vibrant and life more meaningful.

My journey as a tarot reader and relationship counsellor isn’t purely professional; it’s deeply personal. Like many of you, I’ve sought tarot readings to navigate the complexities of love. Whether pondering if my boyfriend was ‘the one’ or analysing dating app profiles through a psychic lens, I’ve immersed myself in understanding love’s mysteries. I can relate to so many of you who seek a tarot reading about love, betrayal, stagnation, mind games, being left waiting, competition and the relatively new phenomenon of “ghosting.” It is one of the reasons I started having tarot readings myself, and how I got hooked on learning them. I also understand the importance of having a relationship with “me, myself and I.”  Channelling all that loving energy into yourself, filling up your emotional cup and being a free spirit can be equally as rewarding, and you don’t have to share the remote control with anyone!

Identifying Love Frauds

The tarot wields its mystical power to uncover the shadows lurking within romantic encounters. When cards like the reversed Kings or Magician appear, they unveil deceptive personas and false promises, stripping away illusions with stark clarity. For example, when doing a relationship reading, the 7 of Swords can be a red flag.  The image of a man sneaking off and looking behind his shoulder with stolen goods, warns of betrayal and clandestine motives.  It urges caution amidst sweetened words or hidden agendas, but can equally represent being resourceful and taking what you need from a relationship or even a divorce.

Meanwhile, The Devil card exposes toxic entanglements and manipulative behaviours, revealing truths that demand attention and reflection. Alternatively, The Devil may be showing up to encourage you to subtly ramp up the “me first” mentality. It could be a sign to assert yourself and let your love interest do the chasing, make them earn your time and attention, and maybe even let them pay the bill for a change. The devil could be reminding you to prioritise your needs and desires, ensuring that your love life doesn’t become a one-way street. Through its symbols and insights, the tarot serves as a guiding light, offering truth and illumination in the often murky waters of love and relationships.

Tarot cards are symbolic mirrors reflecting various facets of our lives, including relationships. When exploring love, it’s important to interpret the cards broadly, considering both positive and negative aspects. For example, the Death card might suggest transformation in a relationship, not the end of love. Similarly, the Tower card can indicate sudden revelations about a partner that lead to growth and awareness instead of a dramatic breakup. By embracing this broader perspective, tarot readings can provide profound insights into the complexities of romance, helping seekers identify potential love frauds and navigate their emotional journeys with resilience and optimism.

Listening to Your Emotions

In matters of love, it’s vital to listen to your heart as the ultimate guide. Feeling happy and light often signals a positive and harmonious connection with someone who uplifts and supports you. Conversely, feelings of confusion or anxiety can serve as a caution, indicating potential manipulation or unhealthy dynamics in the relationship. It’s tempting to see love through rosy-tinted glasses, envisioning an ideal partner who fulfils every fantasy—an elusive “magical unicorn” who embodies perfection. Stay grounded and realistic. Is he really that amazing if he sneaks off to make calls and only sees you once a month? Real relationships involve complexities and imperfections, requiring honest communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to navigate challenges together. By maintaining a balanced perspective and trusting your instincts, you can cultivate relationships that are not only fulfilling but also sustainable, built on genuine connection and shared values.

Soul Mates

Soul Mate Connections

Soul mates share a similar energy, though not identical like twin flames. They possess similar spiritual genetics, a deep understanding and connection. These relationships are pivotal for mutual growth and evolution, challenging us to realise our potential and fulfill our life purposes. Soul mates can take various forms, not always romantic, appearing as children, siblings, colleagues, teachers, pets or friends. Their presence isn’t always smooth-sailing; they often provoke and challenge us to overcome karmic lessons.

“Soul mates” transcend the realm of casual connections and friends with benefits, delving into a deeper, more profound bond. Unlike friends with benefits, which typically involve a casual, non-committal relationship focused on physical intimacy without emotional attachment, soul mates share a connection that goes beyond mere attraction. Soul mates are individuals with whom we share a deep spiritual affinity and a profound understanding, often extending beyond romantic love to encompass familial or platonic relationships. They are companions who challenge us to grow, support us through life’s trials, and contribute to our personal evolution.

Twin Flames

Understanding Twin Flame Relationships

Twin flames represent a profound bond rooted in unconditional love, typically romantic, transcending time and space. Recognisable through dreams, signs, psychic connection and a sense of unity, twin flames experience intense shared purpose and spiritual resonance. Despite their deep connection, twin flames may also trigger each other due to mirrored flaws and differing beliefs. They must find self-love and wholeness independently to harmonise effectively. Not all twin flames stay together long-term; many face challenges that require significant soul work to resolve.

A twin flame relationship transcends the superficial and challenges us to confront our deepest insecurities and vulnerabilities. It’s not about seeking excitement or avoiding boredom but about experiencing a profound spiritual connection that unites two souls across time and space. This goes beyond physical attraction or fleeting emotional highs. While friends with benefits might provide temporary satisfaction, twin flames compel us to confront our shadows and heal unresolved wounds, often triggering intense emotional and spiritual growth.

Unlocking Love: Examining Barriers in Your Life Path

Finally, If new love regularly appears in your readings but fails to materialise, it might be worth examining your lifestyle to uncover any subconscious barriers that could be inadvertently shutting the door on this opportunity—is there something you’re doing that could be keeping love at bay, or perhaps you’re not quite ready to welcome a partner into your life just yet?


If you would like to find love or get insights about your current love interest, feel free to book in for a reading with me, my contact details are on this link: