Healer, Reiki, Intuitive


Honouring Reiki Attunements and Healing Journeys

Reiki Attunements and Professional Growth

I am honoured to have attuned hundreds of Reiki channels over the last few years, nurturing a growing community of practitioners and teachers across Australia and around the globe. It brings me so much happiness to witness their personal growth and the profound impact they make within the healing community. Each attunement not only equips the reiki practitioner with the gift of healing but also raises a collective mission to promote holistic well-being. In my vision, Reiki is not a limited resource but a universal birthright—a natural and accessible remedy for alleviating stress and healing emotional wounds. I envision a future where Reiki becomes an automatic response to alleviate suffering and promote balance, transforming our world and the generations after us to live compassionately, and receive healing energy freely. Together, as a community of Reiki practitioners, we contribute to expanding this positive energy, reaching those in need and creating a harmonious ripple effect of healing and renewal.

As Reiki practitioners and healers, we play a crucial role in contributing to global peace and harmony. By channeling healing energy, we contribute to a collective intention for the well-being of humanity. Our work transcends individual healing sessions to influence societal shifts towards benevolence, kindness and understanding. Together, we set off a chain reaction of positivity that extends beyond borders and cultures, cultivating unity. Do not underestimate the power of what you are doing for humanity, dear Reiki healers; each healing session and attunement you facilitate weaves meaningful strands into the intricate fabric of world peaceand collective healing, one healing at a time.

One important reminder I often share is that Reiki doesn’t grant immortality; each of us will eventually face the end of our days, with each passing day bringing us closer to that inevitable journey. While Reiki has been recognised for its potential to aid in healing, even with severe conditions like cancer, it can also provide comfort and ease for those transitioning to the next stage of existence, or alleviate suffering for those in critical conditions. With this understanding, I never claim to fully heal someone, as healing manifests in ways that best support a person’s highest purpose and soul existence.

The Science Behind Reiki Healing

Research validated by the National Library of Medicine shows that Reiki attunements lead to measurable improvements in healing abilities. They activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation through reduced heart rate, lower blood pressure, and increased heart rate variability.   Studies have explored Reiki’s role in alleviating symptoms and improving well-being among terminally ill patients undergoing treatment. Research has shown promising results, indicating that Reiki may help reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue while enhancing overall quality of life. Although the mechanisms through which Reiki operates are still being studied, its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress is believed to support the body’s natural healing processes.

Energy healing, like Reiki and Therapeutic Touch, has also been proven in laboratories to reduce the side effects of cancer treatments by promoting well-being through the human biofield. In a study published in ‘Evidence Based Complimentary Alternative Medicine’ with mice, those treated with TT showed significantly reduced metastasis compared to a control group. The TT-treated mice had lower levels of certain cytokines and an improved immune response, even though their primary tumor size remained unchanged. This suggests that energy healing may play a supportive role in managing cancer by boosting the immune system and reducing the spread of cancer cells.

Creating a Safe Healing Space

Embracing Vulnerability

Staying open and honest in therapeutic practice goes beyond mere professionalism; it fosters profound connections with clients. Embracing vulnerability is a courageous act that transforms healers from passive recipients of life’s challenges into empowered guides. By sharing their own vulnerabilities, healers create a safe space where clients feel understood and accepted, enhancing the therapeutic process. This openness not only builds trust but also allows for more authentic healing experiences, where clients can explore their deepest emotions and fears without judgment. It is through this mutual vulnerability that genuine healing and transformation can occur, empowering both healer and client on their respective journeys.

Embracing Uniqueness

Healers possess a unique role as custodians of an ancient healing craft that transcends scientific explanations. Celebrating this uniqueness involves recognising the profound wisdom and intuition they bring to their practice, which complements scientific knowledge with a deeper understanding of energy and holistic healing. In honouring their role, healers embrace diverse traditions and techniques passed down through generations, enriching their practice with spiritual insights and intuitive guidance. This blend of ancient wisdom and modern understanding allows healers to offer holistic care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing, connecting deeply and creating transformative experiences for their clients. By celebrating their unique gifts and the timeless wisdom of their craft, healers uphold a sacred tradition that continues to inspire hope, healing, and well-being in those they serve. In a world that often values conformity, embracing authenticity allows healers to shine their light and inspire others to do the same.

Exploring the Shadow Self

Getting in touch with our shadow self, which encompasses our darker emotions, suppressions and impulses, is an essential journey for personal and spiritual growth. When we confront and acknowledge aspects of ourselves that we may deem as negative or undesirable, we embark on a path of deep self-discovery and healing. The shadow represents parts of our psyche that we have repressed or denied, such as anger, jealousy, or fear. By embracing these aspects with compassion and understanding, we not only become more authentic individuals but also more empathetic healers.

Integrating our shadow self involves recognising that these emotions and impulses are a natural part of being human. They hold valuable insights into our fears, insecurities, and unresolved issues that can hinder personal growth and healing. As healers, this process allows us to approach our work with greater empathy and sensitivity, as we understand the complexities of human experience on a deeper level. By accepting and integrating our shadow, we create space for healing and transformation, both within ourselves and in the clients we serve, fostering a more holistic approach to healing that honours the entirety of the human experience.

Enhancing Your Practice

Here are some ways to enhance your prestige and effectiveness as a healer:

Core Practices

  • Actively listen to clients
  • Validate their experiences
  • Communicate effectively and respectfully
  • Advocate for the client’s best interests
  • Maintain expertise and integrity
  • Practice confidentiality
  • Offer solutions and guidance
  • Remain open-minded and mindful in sessions


If you would like to become a reiki channel and heal yourself so you can go on to heal others, I regularly host workshops in Bayside, Melbourne.  Please click here for more information: www.andreafortune.com.au.





Gronowicz G, Secor ER Jr, Flynn JR, Jellison ER, Kuhn LT. Therapeutic Touch Has Significant Effects on Mouse Breast Cancer Metastasis and Immune Responses but Not Primary Tumor Size. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2015;2015:926565. doi: 10.1155/2015/926565. Epub 2015 May 31. PMID: 26113869; PMCID: PMC4465772.