Channelling, Higherself

Embracing Source Energy and Channeling

Understanding Channeling and Its Forms

Everyone has access to the higher realms for inspiration, guidance and creativity, including you! Allowing yourself to be filled with this energy is so light and rejuvenating that people may wonder what your secret is. We are all extensions of source energy, and when we raise our vibration, cleanse lower frequencies and allow source energy to flow through us we feel so light, bright and alive. Once we release the need to have control, restrictions, ego and inhibitions we can decide which stream of consciousness to channel, it’s like being a radio and tuning in to a certain frequency.

Releasing the need for control, ego constraints, and inhibitions opens the gateway to channeling specific streams of consciousness. An example of channeling can be seen in performing arts, where an actor is inspired by their role and seems to effortlessly embody their character, bringing them to life with vivid authenticity and emotion. It’s a dynamic process where we align ourselves with higher truths and insights, harnessing the transformative power of source energy to manifest our intentions with clarity and purpose. By surrendering to this flow, we become conduits for divine creativity and wisdom, enriching our lives and the lives of those around us through our authentic expression and alignment with universal energy.

Automatic Writing and Speaking

Channeling unfolds like a mystical journey through time and consciousness, where seekers delve into realms beyond the everyday. It’s a tapestry woven with threads of connection to higher selves and echoes of past lives, which is reflected in psychiatrist Brian Weiss’s profound revelations. Through channeling, individuals transcend the mundane, navigating uncharted depths of existence to unearth truths that resonate across dimensions. It’s a dance of spiritual exploration where the whispers of ancient wisdom and the echoes of personal histories converge, revealing layers of insight and transformation.

Examples of Channeling in Practice

Notable Figures: Esther Hicks and Dr. Joe Dispenza

“Channeling” has a lot of definitions, from deeply understanding a particular person or idea (‘she is channelling Eleanor Roosevelt’), to feeling as though you have uncluttered your monkey-mind to the point of connecting directly with your higher self, someone else’s higher self, your inner child, your future self or your shadow self, being the more primitive and unconscious part of you. You can also channel past-lives as Psychiatrist, Brian Weiss, discovered when his clients started going back to different historical eras under trance.  Notable figures like Esther Hicks and Dr. Joe Dispenza stand as luminaries in the realm of channeling, harnessing transformative insights from higher realms. Esther Hicks, through her channeling of Abraham, shares profound teachings on the law of attraction and spiritual wisdom, guiding countless seekers towards personal empowerment and manifestation. Dr. Joe Dispenza integrates scientific understanding with spiritual insights, channeling knowledge that bridges the gap between neuroscience and metaphysics, offering tools for healing and self-actualisation. Their work exemplifies how channeling can illuminate paths to understanding the universe, facilitating profound personal growth and collective evolution.

Exploring the Higher Self

Defining the Higher Self

Variations in Definition

Not getting in your own way and detaching from your ego helps you to be a clear a channel.  If you find yourself speaking clearly and articulately about the universe, time, everyone’s value, synchronicities or something meaningful and truthful (not traditions, doctrine or narratives) and you haven’t researched or studied it before, then you are probably channelling and you are being super-natural (something that can’t be explained by science.)

From the depths of our subconscious to the expansive realms of higher dimensions, the concept of the higher self serves as a guiding light of clarity and spiritual evolution. It represents a facet of our consciousness closest to our soul’s essence, offering guidance and wisdom beyond our immediate awareness. As we align with our higher self, we tap into a reservoir of innate knowledge and intuition, transcending egoic limitations and accessing profound insights about our life’s purpose and journey. This connection fosters a deeper understanding of universal truths and empowers us to navigate life with authenticity and purpose, guided by a wisdom that transcends ordinary human perception. Embracing the higher self journey invites us to explore the boundless potentials of our spiritual existence, integrating higher perspectives into our daily lives for holistic growth and transformation.

Practices to Connect with the Higher Self

Techniques for Clarity

Take a moment to be still, do some deep breaths and allow your mind to empty.  Ask a question such as “who am I?” or “Why am I here now at this time?” or “What am I here to do?” If you are aware of a train of thought that seems abstract and all-knowing or you start to journal without having a conscious strategy, you are probably having a conversation that’s removed from your human experience.  Your higher self will only give you information you’re ready to hear and it has your best interest at heart. Trust the process, be patient, go with what you’re getting and don’t talk yourself out of the information that is being presented to you.  Practice makes perfect! Here are some more questions you could ask to start understanding yourself and your mission in life:

  • What do I need to know?
  • What is my true calling?
  • What steps do I need to take to align with my purpose?
  • What past experiences are teaching me and how can I apply them to my future?
  • What limits me, and what can help me break through this limiting belief?
  • What is the best next step for me to take?

Deep breathing and stillness are not just practices of relaxation; they serve as gateways to profound communication with the higher self. By engaging in deliberate, slow breaths and allowing the mind to quieten, we create a receptive space within ourselves. In this state of calm and openness, our awareness expands beyond the immediate concerns of daily life, enabling us to tune into deeper layers of consciousness. This process often leads to profound insights and revelations about our true nature, life’s purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things. Through deep breathing and stillness, we establish a direct line of communication with our higher self, accessing guidance and wisdom that transcends ordinary perception. This practice not only enhances self-awareness but also fosters a sense of alignment with our spiritual essence, empowering us to navigate challenges with clarity and authenticity.

Spiritual Insights and Beliefs

Insights from Pew Research Center

Spiritual Beliefs in the U.S.

Findings from a Pew Research survey underscore the prevalence of spiritual beliefs among Americans. The survey reveals that a significant majority, approximately 70% of American adults, identify themselves as spiritual in some capacity. This widespread spiritual inclination is reflected in various aspects: 83% of respondents believe in the existence of a soul or spirit alongside the physical body, emphasising a dualistic view of human existence. Moreover, 81% acknowledge the presence of spiritual dimensions beyond the natural world, even if these realms are not perceptible through ordinary senses. The survey also indicates that a considerable 74% believe there are phenomena that science cannot fully explain, underscoring a nuanced perspective on the limitations of scientific inquiry. Additionally, personal experiences contribute to these beliefs, with 45% reporting moments of profound connection with something beyond this world and 38% claiming encounters with deceased loved ones or spiritual forces.

It’s striking how many people believe that life isn’t just a brief moment before disappearing into nothingness! In today’s world, where AI and algorithms constantly tailor our online experiences based on our expressed interests and interactions, it’s more crucial than ever to embrace authenticity and be true to yourself.

Implications and Reflections

The Role of Authenticity

In a digital age shaped by AI, the pursuit of authenticity in spiritual exploration takes on heightened significance. As algorithms filter and amplify our digital experiences based on our expressed preferences, the quest for genuine spiritual connection becomes a deliberate choice amidst the noise of automated recommendations. Embracing authenticity means transcending superficial interactions and seeking meaningful engagement with spiritual practices and beliefs that resonate deeply on a personal level. It involves navigating through digital distractions to forge genuine connections with higher truths, inner wisdom, and spiritual communities, reaffirming the timeless quest for spiritual fulfillment in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Contact for Further Exploration

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Reference: Pew Research Center – Spirituality Among Americans





I am an Intuitive Development Mentor and run regular workshops online and in person.  If you are interested in getting more meaningful answers about who you are, please visit my website:

