1 Day Archetype Adventure, Melbourne

In Person / Virtual

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Unlock The Hidden Depths of Your Soul

Are you feeling stuck, or perhaps curious about the unseen forces shaping your life? Imagine uncovering the secret layers of your personality—where 95% of your actions are driven by the mysterious unconscious mind. With Andrea’s archetype cards, you’re invited on a transformative journey to discover the truths that lie beneath your surface.

As a gifted Psychic Counsellor and Soul Coach, Andrea has crafted a powerful method to explore both the light and shadow aspects of your being. Her unique approach will guide you in decoding the map of your soul, offering clarity in your relationships and insights into your true nature.

Course Description

Join me for a day of self-discovery, laughter, and connection. By the end of the Archetype Adventure, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of who you are, how you show up in the world, and how to navigate your lifepath with wisdom and grace.

Andrea is excited to share this extraordinary path with you, empowering you to unlock hidden mysteries and realise your full potential. Prepare to embark on an exhilarating adventure that will deepen your self-awareness, enhance your empathy, and reveal the authentic power within you. Dive into the mysteries of your shadow self and reclaim control over your life’s choices. This journey will not only transform your self-understanding but will also propel your soul’s evolution. Ready to meet your inner guide? Let’s go!

Course Details

Find out which archetype resonates with your true self—are you the Explorer, the Seductress, or maybe the Visionary? Discover your guiding force and what it means for your life’s journey.

Every archetype has its bright and shadowy sides. We’ll dive into both, helping you embrace your strengths while shining a light on the areas that need a little TLC.

Learn the deeper meanings behind each of Andrea’s archetype cards. Whether you’re pulling cards for yourself or others, you’ll gain the tools to understand the mysteries and messages hidden within.

Practice different spreads to uncover how you influence others—and how they influence you. Get ready for some surprising revelations as we play with the dynamics of relationships and energy!

Engage in group activities, discussions, and hands-on practice that will leave you feeling connected, enlightened, and more in tune with your authentic self.

What’s Included

4 hours of study, practice, demonstrations and theory to help you become more conscious and free of any habitual patterns and roles that are defining you

  • Book and Card Deck
    A copy of my book 'The Shaman, The Lover and The Narcissist and 61 card deck.
  • Session Timing
    Online via Zoom or in person at Aspendale location, Sunday 10 am - 4 pm, with a one hour lunch break.
  • Card Spreads
    A variety of archetype spreads to deepen your understanding of yourself and others, and evoke surprising revelations on your identities, personalities and prisons
  • Daily Practice Tips
    Tips for recording and reflecting on your readings, keeping the healing and empowerment transforming your reality
  • Andrea's Archetype Deck Requirement
    The only requirement for the course is Andrea's archetype deck, which is included in the course price.

Upcoming Tarot Beginner Courses in Melbourne


Sun, 26th Jan
In Person / Virtual

Time: 10.00am– 4.00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $200 including book and card deck

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Sun 9th March
In Person / Virtual

Time: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $200 including book and card deck

Enrol Now


Sun 11th May
In Person / Virtual

Time: 10.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Cost: $200 including book and card deck

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