Tarot Fear, Tarot Myths

Facing the Fear of Tarot

Tarot readings hold an allure for many, yet fear can cast a shadow on the experience. It’s time to unravel misconceptions and embrace Tarot for what it truly offers: clarity and insight. Despite lingering myths of dark, even satanic influence, Tarot simply illuminates possibilities for those seeking answers, offering insights from their higher self rather than any malevolent force like Beelzebub!  The apprehension often stems from the fear of unsettling revelations disrupting a harmonious life—a dreaded disease, loss of a loved one, or career setbacks. Yet, Tarot’s essence lies in empowering individuals with foresight, not sealing their fate. Understanding this liberates us to shape our futures, affirming that our paths remain open to change and growth.

Understanding Tarot

Tarot’s purpose is to illuminate paths and empower individuals with clarity and guidance, dispelling fears and embracing the transformative potential of each reading. There are many myths and superstitions around the ancient art of Tarot Reading. The death card can instill unprecedented fear and get people trembling with apprehension. Just to reassure you, if you pick the death card it won’t lead you into an untimely demise! Pregnant women have been told they must steer clear from readings if they don’t want to jeopardise the birth. I’ve had a few giggles with my clients around that and have explained that they are fearing what they don’t understand, and need to be comforted in knowing the tarot is their friend and is there as a helpful guide. It highlights possibilities for the questioner’s benefit.

Whilst it does enrich the Tarot reading if the reader is a psychic, clairvoyant or highly intuitive the truth is, anyone can learn the art of reading Tarot cards. Most people require formal training and engage in regular practise to build their intuition to a professional level, however some people are born naturals and take to the tarot like a duck to water. Anyone in the world can develop their tarot reading skills, including doctors, psychologists, police, scientists, mathematicians and business people.  Many choose not to do readings on others and use it solely as a powerful self-development tool.

The Tarot cannot be wielded to cause ill will. Those who seek negativity will inevitably find it—a self-fulfilling prophecy. Genuine tarot readers assist their clients by providing guidance to make informed decisions and achieve outcomes. Evil is subjective, and “occult” simply denotes “hidden.” If a negative forecast emerges, it serves as a warning, not a hex.

Common Myths Debunked

Debunking Myths

  • Buying Your Own Cards: Contrary to belief, choosing your Tarot cards is essential for intuition.
  • Handling Cards: Allow others to handle your cards to familiarise themselves with them.
  • Psychic Abilities: Anyone can learn Tarot with practice, not just those with innate abilities.
  • Variety of Decks: From angels and wizards to cats and Hobbits, there’s a Tarot deck for everyone’s taste.
  • Magical Notions: Tarot cards are tools, not magical objects. Their power lies in the reader’s interpretation.
  • Evil Notions: Tarot isn’t evil; intentions matter. A reputable reader guides with integrity.
  • Historical Origins: Tarot’s origins aren’t linked to gypsies; it evolved in Europe in the 15th century.
  • Accuracy: Tarot readings reflect possibilities, not certainties. Your choices shape your future.
  • Reading Methods: Phone or in-person, Tarot readings are equally effective in connecting with energies.
  • Pregnancy and Tarot: There’s no harm in pregnant women receiving Tarot readings; it’s a personal choice.
  • Self-Readings: Anyone can read Tarot for themselves, with proper guidance and clear intentions.
  • Myth of Silk Wrapping: Card wrapping doesn’t affect readings; it’s a personal preference.
  • Negative Predictions: Tarot warns of challenges; it’s not about cursing but guiding towards solutions.
  • Understanding the Death Card: It signifies change, not literal death. Embrace its transformative message.
  • Choosing a Reader: Research ensures finding a trusted, reputable Tarot reader.
  • Reversed Cards: Reversed cards offer nuanced meanings; don’t dismiss them for a complete reading.
  • Tarot Predictions: Tarot offers possibilities, not fixed outcomes. It guides towards creating a better future.

Embracing Tarot

Tarot is a tool for empowerment and guidance. Ready to explore its depths? Join our workshops in Aspendale or online to tap into your intuition.

If you’re interested in learning more about Tarot, visit my website: www.andreafortune.com.au