Entities, Energy, Shamanism

Negative Energies and Their Impact

Types of Negative Energies

Negative energies, such as attachments, cords, entities, and psychic attacks, are all possible if your vitality wanes from illness, stress, injury, depression, the weight of unseen burdens or a toxic environment. These sometimes emerge during my healing sessions in the form of blocks and patterns. Negative energies, like unseen tendrils of mist, can lurk in the shadows of our psyche, manifesting as unexplained ailments, a persistent feeling of being watched, or words spoken that feel foreign on our tongues. They nudge us towards activities that drain rather than fulfll, drawing us into cycles of discontent. During reiki and kinesiology, I often uncover these spectral threads woven into the fabric of my clients’ energies—blocks that hinder their path to healing and patterns that echo unresolved traumas.

Empaths and Negative Energies

Empaths (highly sensitive people) can perceive emotions and motivations of people. They can also mistake these perceptions as their own feelings and wonder why they are feeling the way they are. They are very perceptive of the emotions and underlying motivations of others, have a keen intuition, and are often told they are being “too sensitive.” They may also have more extreme symptoms such as fatigue, mystery illness, identity issues, or feeling out of control from taking this on board.

Encountering Negative Emotions

Encountering people full of revenge, hate, pessimism, or anger can cause an empath to take on the same feelings, especially if they are going out of their way to understand the other person. Releasing this energy is important as holding on to it can impact your health and well-being, both energetically and by manifesting itself in the physical body.

This empathic resonance can blur the line between your own feelings and those projected by others, leading to a confusing mix of emotions that aren’t always your own. It’s crucial to discern whether these feelings originate internally or if they are external energies being absorbed to avoid burn out and fatigue. Releasing such absorbed energies is vital for maintaining emotional and physical well-being. Lingering negative energies can disrupt the energetic balance and manifest as physical ailments or chronic stress. During my Reiki sessions, I meticulously scan the client’s energy field, identifying weaknesses or areas where external influences may have attached. By strengthening the aura and clearing these attachments, we fortify the client’s energetic boundaries, creating a shield that deflects future negative influences.

Practices for Healing

Uncovering Misconceptions

A good practice to get into on your healing journey is to uncover any conscious and unconscious misconceptions around what is evil, causes you to be vulnerable, and impressions that have stuck from watching scary movies, spirit possession, and hauntings. Once you make sense of what has spooked you, you can ensure you no longer let it have a hold. By not being the “victim” you are not giving permission to be a magnet to such entities.  Often, beliefs about evil, vulnerability, and spiritual possession are influenced by sensationalised media portrayals, horror stories, and cultural myths. These narratives can create a heightened sense of fear and susceptibility, leading individuals to unconsciously attract or perceive negative energies

By unpacking these misconceptions and understanding their origins, clients can reclaim a sense of agency over their spiritual and energetic boundaries. Recognising that they are not passive victims but active participants in their energetic well-being empowers them to set clear intentions and boundaries, reducing the likelihood of attracting unwanted energies. Through education and energetic practices, harmonious relationships are cultivated, bringing a sense of safety, clarity, and personal empowerment on the clients’ healing path.

Curse and Hex Removal

If you believe you have been cursed or that you are attracting a constant flow of misfortunes, this is a sign you are on the wrong path and destiny is intervening. Occasionally I am asked if I do curse or hex removal. A curse is a wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to someone, a place, or an object. There are historical tales of curses wreaking havoc on whole communities in the form of illness, tragedy, and natural disasters, and of boats eternally sinking, like ‘The Curse of The Black Pearl’ in The Pirates of the Caribbean. As a strong believer in karma, I only believe this could aspire if it was strongly warranted and deserved. If someone wishes you ill, you can generally pick up their dark energy and distance yourself from them. Supernatural forces cannot cause your downfall unless you believe this is going to happen to you and manifest it. Believe you are deserving of the best and any ill wishes will backfire like a recoil ricochet!

Visualising Protection

Visualising a column of light that has both a vacuuming and an infusing effect on the body and energy field helps to set the intention that you are not available to be impinged upon by outside forces of a lower vibration. Every day we are exposed to positive and negative energy influences. Some are a result of habitual thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours as a result of conditioning. Others are environmental from our interactions with people, communities, environmental sources such as weather, sound/noise, chemicals, toxins, water, and food quality. I often feel negative energy in certain pubs, gambling rooms, and dingy streets or hotel rooms.

This initial recognition can be unsettling, yet it serves as a starting point for understanding the dynamics at play. I then consciously surround myself in a velvet cloak of protection, its soft embrace warding off the chill of negativity and wrapping me in a cocoon of serene resilience.

Validating these feelings and identifying the source of negativity are essential steps in reclaiming personal power. It’s crucial to remind myself that the negativity might stem from the other person’s own challenges or insecurities, rather than any inherent flaw in myself. By adopting this perspective, I begin to detach emotionally, allowing myself to redirect the energy with positive intentions. Whether through affirmations, visualisation, or nurturing self-care practices, this proactive approach serves as a shield against harmful vibes. It not only safeguards my emotional well-being but also reinforces my inner strength and resilience in the face of external negativity. If circumstances allow, I may even extend compassion by sending positive energy or Reiki to help alleviate their struggles and foster a more positive outlook.

Shamanic Perspectives

Mental Illness and Healing

Shamans in West Africa believe mental illness signals “the birth of a healer” and some mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, which are a catalyst for change so the healer can emerge. They see these signals as good news from the “other world” that a medium has been chosen to give messages from the spirit realms, and the mental disorder is bringing attention to the two energies merging into the same field. Shamans in South America see the soul as fragmented and perform soul retrieval, where the soul re-enters the electromagnetic field and restores the person’s spirit.

These cultural perspectives challenge conventional Western views on mental health and spiritual phenomena, emphasising holistic approaches that encompass the spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions of well-being. They illustrate how different societies perceive and respond to spiritual experiences, offering valuable insights into alternative healing practices and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

Embracing Empathy

The Gift of Empathy

Empathy is a gift, not a curse, and it helps you connect and bond deeply with others. This profound sensitivity allows you to tune into the emotions and needs of those around you, fostering deep, meaningful relationships built on understanding and compassion. However, navigating the world as an empath requires balance and self-awareness to avoid being overwhelmed by the emotions and energies you absorb.

The key to being empathic without the negative side effects is to maintain a strong sense of self. Grounding practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and regular self-reflection can help you stay anchored in your own identity, ensuring you don’t lose yourself in the feelings of others. It’s also crucial to set boundaries, both energetically and emotionally. Learning to say no and recognising when you need to step back to protect your well-being are vital skills for empaths.

Additionally, remind yourself often that you are a sunrise shining through the darkness, bringing warmth and vitality to all that come into contact with you. This mindset helps you focus on the positive impact of your empathy, transforming potential burdens into sources of strength. By seeing yourself as a source of light and positivity, you can channel your empathic abilities into uplifting and healing those around you without depleting your own energy.

Embrace your empathy with confidence, knowing that it is a unique and powerful tool for connection and healing. With the right strategies in place, you can harness this gift to create a ripple effect of kindness and understanding in your personal and communal relationships.

I am a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer Aspendale. If you’re interested in trying a healing to release energetic blocks or learn how to heal yourself and others, please get in touch by clicking on this link: www.andreafortune.com.au