Boundaries, Empaths, Chakras

Do You Have Compassion Fatigue?

Are you feeling emotionally overwhelmed? Like the shadows have permanently blocked out your sunshine? It might be more than just a bad day—it could be your empath superpowers on overdrive. Compassion fatigue can sneak up on you like an unexpected rainstorm during a picnic—it dampens your spirits and leaves you feeling drained. It’s like running on empty after giving everyone else a refill! Practicing self-care becomes your trusty umbrella in this stormy scenario. Whether it’s a long sleep, a walk in nature or treating yourself to a spa day (bubble bath included and maybe even a glass of bubbles!), taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential for recharging those empathy batteries. So, next time you feel like you’re running low on compassion, remember: a little TLC for yourself goes a long way in keeping your caring spirit shining bright!

Signs of Being an Empath

Empaths absorb others’ emotions like a sponge, which is a precious gift for empathising, but not so helpful for keeping your own emotional ship afloat through turbulent seas, crashing waves and fierce winds.

  • Feeling Too Much: It’s like being the emotional weather forecast—you can predict rain, storm, and occasional sunshine in others, but inside, it’s a whirlwind of anxiety, occasional thunderstorms of depression, and a persistent fog of chronic fatigue. You may feel like you’re caught up in an emotional whirlwind that resembles Hurricane Mary!
  • Escapism Tactics: Empaths are experts at finding quick fixes to calm their nerves and look for these emotional Houdini’s for instant relief (with a side of guilt). Whether it’s a glass of sauvignon blanc to drown the sorrows or diving into endless social media scrolling for a distraction, empaths know where the emotional band-aids are kept. They may eat a whole tub of ice cream and then remember their diet starts tomorrow. Once the fix has worn off, they return to feeling drained, introspective, or even a bit raw.

Finding Balance as an Empath

Once you know you’re an empath, you can take steps to keep your emotional rollercoaster in check to stabilise it and ensure smoother rides through life’s ups and downs.  You may come to realise that as an empath, you often leave yourself wide open, constantly tuned into and absorbing your client’s sorrows, joys, and everything in between without ever fully switching off. This heightened sensitivity allows you to deeply connect with others’ emotions, experiencing their highs and lows as if they were your own. While this empathy is a powerful tool in your work, it can also be overwhelming at times, blurring the boundaries between your emotions and those of the people you’re helping. Learning to manage this constant emotional influx becomes crucial for maintaining your own well-being and effectiveness as a healer.

The Role of Reiki

Reiki works wonders for empaths by restoring harmony to their souls, one chakra at a time. As an empath, you often absorb and carry the energetic residue of others’ emotions, which can lead to imbalance and overwhelm in your own energy field. Reiki acts like a gentle yet powerful reset button, clearing blockages and realigning your chakras to promote inner peace and stability. It helps to release stored emotions and energetic debris, allowing you to replenish your own energy reserves and regain clarity. Through regular Reiki sessions, empaths can strengthen their energetic boundaries, enhance their ability to discern between their own emotions and those they absorb, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and resilience. This holistic approach not only supports emotional well-being but also empowers empaths to navigate their empathic gifts with greater ease and effectiveness.

Boundaries Are Your Bestie

Setting boundaries is crucial—even empaths need their own personal space to stay as sane as possible Imagine boundaries as your trusty sidekick, always there to remind you that it’s okay to say “no” sometimes, especially when your empathetic heart is on overdrive. Just like a superhero needs a nanna-nap before saving the day, setting boundaries allows you to recharge and protect your emotional well-being. It’s like having a force field around your sanity, shielding you from burnout and keeping your empathy engine running smoothly. So, whether it’s politely declining extra commitments or carving out quiet time for yourself, embracing boundaries isn’t just self-care—it’s your secret weapon for staying balanced and resilient in a world full of feels.

What Are Boundaries?: Think of them as your emotional force field, your physical “do not disturb” sign, and your mental fortress against emotional vampires who try to suck the life force out of you. It’s like having a VIP section in your life where only those who respect your boundaries get the golden ticket.

Signs Yours Are Kaput: If you find yourself letting others define you more than your last Google search, or expecting people to magically understand your unspoken desires like they’re psychic hotline operators, your boundaries might need a reboot. It’s all fun and games until you realise you’re running on an empty battery and you have no idea where your personal space shuttle went.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

You 100% deserve respect, and setting boundaries is your secret weapon to ensure you get it!

You First: It’s all about self-preservation in the jungle wilderness of life. Saying “no” when you need to, asserting your needs like a boss, and not letting guilt bash the living daylights out of your limits like a UFC match. Because let’s face it, your needs matter too, and it’s okay to put yourself first without feeling like you need to apologise. Embracing this mindset isn’t just about self-care—it’s about ensuring you have the energy and resilience to navigate the twists and turns of this unpredictable jungle, while maintaining your sanity and well-being and still able to turn up for duty the next day. So, stand tall like the lioness defending her pride, and remember, prioritising yourself isn’t selfish; it’s a wise strategy for thriving amidst life’s wildest moments.

Self-Love: Loving yourself is not just a trend—it’s the ultimate power move. Think of it as pumping iron for your sensitivities. When you prioritise self-care and honour your own worth, you naturally reinforce your emotional fortress. It’s like giving yourself a big, warm hug from the inside out, and nobody messes with someone who radiates that kind of self-respect. So go ahead, sprinkle that self-love confetti everywhere you go and watch how your boundaries become the VIP ropes that everyone admires.

About Me

Hi there! I’m Andrea Fortune, your go-to Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, and Soul Coach in Aspendale. Need a recharge? I offer reiki and intuitive healing to rebalance your energy. Discover more about my services and workshops at