Collective Consciousness and Unconsciousness

The Collective Unconscious: A Controversial Concept

Understanding the Collective Unconscious

The human psyche has captivated thinkers throughout history, encompassing both the conscious and unconscious realms. While the unconscious is widely recognised as storing thoughts, memories, and impulses beyond our awareness, the concept of the collective unconscious remains enigmatic and subject to debate.  Supposedly the deepest stratum of the psyche, the collective unconscious manifests through universal archetypes—patterns of behaviour that emerge instinctively in response to common human experiences. Within this profound layer lie ancient ancestral memories shared by humans and animals alike.

Depth of the Collective Unconscious

According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious occupies the most profound depths of the human psyche, a reservoir where ancient memories and primordial instincts reside. This concept suggests that beyond personal experiences and individual histories, there exists a shared repository of symbolic images and universal themes. These archetypes, like the hero embarking on a journey of self-discovery, the trickster challenging societal norms, or the wise old man imparting timeless wisdom, are believed to be intrinsic to human nature and appear across cultures throughout history. They serve not only as symbolic representations but also as guiding forces that shape human behaviour, aspirations, and the collective consciousness of societies worldwide. This theory proposes that these archetypes influence our thoughts, dreams, and creative expressions, offering insights into the deeper layers of the human mind and its interconnectedness with broader cultural and spiritual dimensions.

Archetypes and Their Influence

Archetypes are fundamental patterns of behavior that emerge universally across cultures and societies, serving as the building blocks of human experience and understanding. Introduced by Carl Jung, these timeless symbols are deeply embedded in the collective unconscious and manifest as the hero, the trickster, the wise old man, and the nurturing mother. They appear in myths, legends, and cultural narratives worldwide, revealing a shared psychic heritage that transcends geographical and historical boundaries.

Archetypes shape the stories we tell and the roles we play, acting as guiding forces that influence our daily lives and collective experiences. They provide a framework for understanding human behavior, motivations, and relationships, offering insight into the universal aspects of the human condition. For instance, the hero archetype, seen in figures like Hercules and modern-day superheroes, embodies courage and perseverance, inspiring individuals to overcome challenges. Similarly, the trickster archetype, present in characters like Loki (Norse mythology) and Anansi (African mythology)  represent wit and cunning, challenging the status quo and provoking thought. By engaging with these universal patterns, we gain deeper insight into ourselves and the world, fostering personal growth, creativity, and social harmony.

Manifestations in Culture and Society

These archetypes permeate through various forms of expression, including art, dreams, rites, and rituals, showcasing their presence in the collective human psyche. In art, they appear as recurring motifs and themes that resonate across cultures, portraying universal symbols like the hero’s journey or the wise elder’s wisdom. Dreams often tap into these archetypes, revealing common narratives and characters that transcend individual experiences, offering insights into deeper, shared human concerns and aspirations. Similarly, cultural rites and rituals draw upon archetypal patterns to instill meaning and structure, binding communities together through collective practices that reinforce values and beliefs. Together, these manifestations underscore the interconnectedness of humanity’s psychological landscape, highlighting how archetypes bridge cultural divides to create a shared understanding of human existence.

The Collective Consciousness: Unity and Influence

Definition and Experience

The collective consciousness refers to the synergy of shared beliefs, values, and intentions among individuals, resulting in a cohesive system with a collective purpose and identity. It’s as if a symphony of minds harmonises into a singular, resonant chord, vibrating with the aspirations and ideals that bind them together. Through collective meditation or focused intention, this synergy amplifies, sending out waves of influence that ripple through the fabric of reality, shaping outcomes and weaving new possibilities into existence. In this interconnected realm, the power of unified thought transcends individual boundaries, creating a profound impact that echoes through the vast expanse of human experience and beyond.

Examples of Collective Consciousness

Imagine a tranquil scene where a diverse group of individuals gathers in a sunlit meadow, each with eyes closed and hearts open to the universe. As they synchronise their breaths and align their intentions, a life force energy radiates from their midst. This is the power of collective consciousness in action. Their focused thoughts, like beams of light, reach out beyond the boundaries of their physical bodies. In this shared moment of meditation, their intentions ripple outward, touching the very fabric of reality. In these moments that the interconnectedness of humanity transcends individual limitations to wield a transformative influence on the world around us.

Spiritual Influence and Practices

Meditation and Reiki are ancient practices renowned for their ability to channel and magnify energies within the collective consciousness. Through meditation, practitioners achieve deep inner stillness, honing their thoughts and intentions with clarity and focus. This focused intentionality acts as a beacon, radiating peace, healing, and positive transformation into the shared psychic space that unites all beings. The meditator thus becomes a conduit, sending calming waves of energy that extend far beyond personal boundaries.

Similarly, Reiki, originating from Japan, accesses universal life force energy to restore balance and promote wellness. Practitioners direct this energy through their hands to areas of imbalance in themselves or others, amplifying its effects in group settings like Reiki shares. Here, multiple practitioners combine their energies, creating a potent field of healing vibrations that resonate throughout the collective consciousness. These practices not only nurture personal spiritual growth but also illustrate how unified intentions can positively impact broader societal and environmental realms. By aligning individual energies with the collective, meditation and Reiki send out a ripple effect of harmony and healing across humanity and the natural world.

Personal and Global Impact

Individual efforts in sending peace, healing, and love can have profound personal and global impacts. On a personal level, these acts foster a sense of inner calm, positivity, and well-being, contributing to mental and emotional health. They cultivate empathy and compassion, enriching personal relationships and enhancing one’s connection to others. Globally, the collective energy generated by these efforts can ripple outward, influencing the broader fabric of human consciousness. When many individuals focus on peace and healing, it creates a powerful, cumulative effect that can inspire societal change, promote global harmony, and even impact environmental conditions. By nurturing these intentions, individuals contribute to a more compassionate and interconnected world, demonstrating the transformative power of collective goodwill.

Applications and Psychic Insights

Practical Applications in Psychic Readings

In psychic readings, archetypes act as enchanted keys, unlocking the hidden chambers of both the conscious and unconscious mind. They weave a tapestry of insights, revealing motivations, illuminating potential paths, and enhancing self-awareness. Each archetype, like a mystical guide, whispers secrets of the soul, guiding individuals through the labyrinth of their inner world and unveiling the magic that resides within.

Understanding the Light and Shadow Self

Exploring archetypes helps individuals navigate their light and shadow selves, providing clarity on personal growth and behavioural patterns. By delving into these universal symbols, individuals can uncover the hidden aspects of their personality that influence their thoughts, emotions, and actions. The light archetypes reflect our strengths, virtues, and positive traits, guiding us toward our highest potential. Conversely, the shadow archetypes reveal the suppressed, darker aspects of our psyche, often rooted in fear, trauma, or unacknowledged desires. By recognising and integrating these shadow elements, individuals can achieve a more balanced and authentic sense of self. This journey through archetypes offers profound insights, fostering self-awareness and empowering individuals to break free from limiting patterns, ultimately guiding them towards holistic personal growth and transformation.

Personal Invitation to Explore

I welcome you to delve into the mystical realm of psychic readings, where the ancient wisdom of archetypes unveil a deeper self-understanding and illuminate potential life paths. Embrace this enchanting journey, where hidden truths and timeless symbols guide you toward profound self-awareness and transformative insights. Allow the magic of archetypes to reveal the secrets of your soul and chart a course for your destiny.

Contact for Further Information

For those curious about exploring their own psyche through psychic readings or courses, further details are available at






The existence of the collective unconscious is a controversial idea. Could this mysterious force control our actions?

The human psyche has been fascinating great thinkers for centuries. Most of us are familiar with the  unconscious, a part of the mind that contains all the thoughts, memories and impulses we are unaware of. However, few people are familiar with the collective unconscious.

The collective unconscious is supposedly the deepest layer of the psyche. This mysterious psychological phenomenon expresses itself through certain archetypes (patterns of behaviour) that arise in us all when we are faced with certain situations. In the deep layer of the collective unconscious are ancient human and animal ancestral memories.  Carl Jung believed that the collective unconscious is the source and expression of all myths and legends such as the hero, the trickster, the prostitute, the tyrant, the saboteur and the wise old man. These archetypes rule, guide, inspire and live through us each day and are present in many different societies and cultures, highlighting a shared psychic space. Art, dreams, rites and rituals in nature also are used collectively.

Then there’s the collective conscious, when we come together with the same beliefs and values and merge into a system that has its own life.  We have a sense of belonging, a common goal, and we are all part of the whole.  When people gather to meditate we are aware of collective consciousness.  By focussing an intention on healing something, the vibration we put out can affect all beings, the earth and even the weather!  It’s a bit like a pebble causing larger ripples on a lake. I wonder if the extraordinary torrential rain we experienced a few summers ago in Melbourne was the effect so many peoples’ wishes for the bush fires to stop.  I remember spinning every wishing wheel at the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion, wishing for rain to fall and extinguish the flames. The Native Americans used rain dances for the very same purpose.

We are powerful spiritual beings, with far-reaching influence.  I have found meditation and Reiki to be a super-effective way to magnify intentions and energy. As you focus sending peace,  healing and love, you feel a healthier, more positive, high-vibing person. You can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others. Just like that pebble, your intention can cast ripples into the human consciousness.

We’re all interconnected, on a level deeper than Tiktok or Facebook and can get answers without referring to google!  How amazing would it be, if we could dramatically transform our minds, our brains, our society and our universe by a sufficient number of people positively influencing it all.  If you have ever been to a Reiki share group, you will know hat I mean from experiencing the benefits of two or three people are working on you at the same time.

I often use archetypes when doing psychic readings for people.  The archetypes show my clients what they are aware and unaware of in themselves, what is driving them and what is likely to happen if they continue on a certain path.  If you are interested in learning about your light and shadow self, I am a psychic reader in Aspendale, please click here for more details:


