NLP. affirmations

The Power of Words in Managing Anxiety

Words have a profound impact on our anxiety levels and relationships. Bruce Lee once remarked, “words cast spells and that’s why they’re called spelling.” Our vocabulary shapes our anxiety identity, and by making simple changes, we can empower our healing journey.

The words we use can either build bridges or burn them down, encouraging understanding or sowing discord. By cultivating a positive and empathic vocabulary,  we can enhance our emotional well-being and nurture healthier connections with others. Just as Bruce Lee suggested, words hold a transformative power—they can either empower us on our healing journey or reinforce negative patterns. Making conscious adjustments to our language allows us to dismantle anxiety-provoking thought patterns and cultivate a more resilient mindset, paving the way for deeper self-acceptance and harmonious interactions with those around us.

Swapping Disempowering Words

Commit Instead of Try

When we say “I’ll TRY to do it,” we unwittingly set ourselves up for failure, leaving room for doubt and hesitation. The word “try” is a wishy-washy placeholder, a gentle excuse that allows us to sidestep the challenges ahead. It’s like planting a seed of uncertainty, which often fails to bloom into action. On the other hand, using the word “commit” is a powerful declaration of intent. It embodies perseverance, determination, and unwavering resolve. When we commit to something, we are not just making a promise to ourselves; we are setting the stage for success. We are declaring our intention to see it through, no matter the hurdles. This shift in language transforms our approach to challenges, turning them from daunting obstacles into opportunities for growth. By committing, we harness our inner strength, pushing through barriers with confidence and clarity, making significant strides in our journey of overcoming obstacles.

And Instead of But

The word “but” has a peculiar knack for inserting mental roadblocks into our thoughts and conversations. It’s that subtle conjunction that can signal hesitation, contradiction, or even outright dismissal of possibilities. When we say, “I want to pursue this opportunity, but…” we inadvertently place a condition or restriction on our aspirations. It’s like building a bridge only to erect a barricade halfway across, halting progress and stifling innovation.

However, when we swap out “but” for “and,” the landscape of our language shifts dramatically. Suddenly, we’re not just acknowledging one path forward; we’re embracing multiple avenues simultaneously. “I want to pursue this opportunity, and…” opens up a world of possibilities. It encourages us to consider new perspectives, integrate diverse ideas, and explore different approaches without prematurely closing doors.

This simple linguistic switch fosters a mindset of openness and flexibility. It invites creativity and innovation by acknowledging that multiple paths can coexist and complement each other. Instead of viewing challenges as barriers, we see them as opportunities for growth and expansion. By replacing “but” with “and,” we empower ourselves to think expansively, act decisively, and embrace the richness of possibilities that lie ahead in our personal and professional journeys.

Believe Instead of Hope

The word “hope” carries with it a sense of passivity, suggesting a wait-and-see approach to life’s challenges. When we say, “I hope things get better,” it implies a reliance on external forces or circumstances beyond our control. This passive stance can foster feelings of uncertainty and disempowerment, leaving us waiting for change rather than actively pursuing it.

On the other hand, replacing “hope” with “believe” shifts the narrative entirely. To “believe” implies a proactive stance, a firm conviction in our abilities and potential outcomes. It signifies taking responsibility for our actions and decisions, and trusting in our capacity to influence the course of events. When we say, “I believe I can overcome this challenge,” we are asserting our agency and readiness to confront obstacles head-on.

This shift from hope to belief is transformative. It instills a sense of empowerment and resilience, motivating us to take decisive actions and make intentional choices aligned with our goals. Belief fuels confidence, allowing us to navigate uncertainties with courage and determination. It transforms passive waiting into active engagement, inspiring us to seize opportunities and shape our own destiny. By embracing belief over hope, we not only strengthen our resolve but also cultivate a mindset conducive to growth, achievement, and personal fulfilment.

Compassionate Communication Techniques

Research conducted at Loyola Marymount University explored effective communication strategies designed to enhance trust and cooperation among professionals. The study, implemented with Executive MBA students, employed a structured approach known as the “12 Steps to Compassionate Communication.” This methodology aimed to cultivate a conducive environment where positive interactions could flourish in professional settings.

The 12 steps emphasised several key principles essential for fostering effective communication and building rapport:

  1. Relaxation: Encouraging participants to remain calm and composed, fostering an atmosphere conducive to open dialogue and mutual understanding.
  2. Presence: Emphasising the importance of being fully engaged in the present moment, enabling participants to focus attentively on the conversation at hand.
  3. Inner Silence: Advising individuals to quiet their inner thoughts and distractions, promoting clarity and receptivity in communication.
  4. Positivity: Encouraging a positive mindset to frame interactions optimistically and constructively, fostering a supportive atmosphere.
  5. Core Values: Guiding participants to align their communication with their core values, ensuring authenticity and integrity in their interactions.
  6. Positive Recall: Prompting individuals to recall positive memories or experiences, fostering a positive emotional state and enhancing rapport.
  7. Eye Contact: Advocating for maintaining eye contact during conversations, which enhances attentiveness and demonstrates respect and engagement.
  8. Appreciation: Encouraging participants to express genuine appreciation and recognition for others, reinforcing positive behaviour and building trust.
  9. Warmth in Voice: Advising individuals to speak with warmth and sincerity, which enhances the emotional connection and builds rapport.
  10. Speak Slowly: Recommending a moderate pace of speech, allowing for clarity and comprehension while conveying respect for the listener’s pace.
  11. Brevity: Advocating for concise communication, delivering messages effectively and efficiently to maintain engagement and clarity.
  12. Active Listening: Highlighting the importance of attentive listening, validating others’ perspectives, and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.

By implementing these steps, participants reported significant improvements in communication effectiveness, fostering trust, positivity, cooperation, and empathy in their professional interactions. The research underscores the transformative impact of intentional and compassionate communication strategies in cultivating harmonious and productive professional relationships.

Steps to Compassionate Communication

The steps to compassionate communication include techniques such as relaxing and staying present, silencing inner voices while maintaining a positive outlook, focusing on inner values and recalling pleasant memories. It also involves maintaining eye contact, offering compliments, speaking with warmth, speaking slowly and briefly, and listening attentively. These strategies collectively promote a conducive environment for empathetic and effective communication, fostering trust, understanding, and positive interactions in both personal and professional contexts.

The Impact of Language

According to Dr. Andrew Newberg, author of Words Can Change Your Brain, language is not just a means of communication but a powerful tool that shapes behavior and influences the outcomes we experience in life. The words we choose can have profound effects on how we perceive ourselves, interact with others, and navigate challenges. By consciously selecting our words with care and intention, we can cultivate more positive attitudes, foster deeper connections with those around us, and effectively manage difficult situations. This mindful approach to language not only enhances our ability to express ourselves authentically but also empowers us to create environments that are conducive to growth, understanding, and mutual respect. Ultimately, by understanding the impact of language, we can harness its transformative potential to enrich our lives and promote harmonious relationships in our personal and professional spheres.


By changing our language we are encouraging a life that is anxiety and sabotage free. You’ve got this! I am an accredited Neurolinguistic Programming Master and Hypnotherapist and can help you to start working towards solutions and living out life dreams.  Click here for more information:

