Soul Coach, Psychic

Embracing Authenticity

Accepting Imperfection and Vulnerability

To be authentic, we must accept that we are imperfect and vulnerable. Sure, we can edit our photos until the cows come home, but that could be setting ourselves up for a huge injustice. Imagine being a missing person—how will the police find us if our profile pic looks like Jennifer Lopez, but in real life we resemble Sharon from Kath and Kim?!

Take a moment to contemplate this: who’s really in charge of your life? Is it your phone, social media, your calendar or style trends? Maybe it feels like friends and family are making all the decisions. If you’re already the CEO of you, are you treating yourself kindly? Are you supportive and understanding, or are you harsh and critical? If you treated others the way you treat yourself, would they feel valued?  Embrace those imperfections and integrate your personal life into a seamless experience using mindfulness and courage until they become part of your every day ritual.

An example of this could be the day you decide to give yourself a haircut, channeling your inner stylist. After snipping away, you realise it looks like you’re wearing a pineapple wig, very different to the chic bob you envisioned! Instead of hiding, you laugh it off and declare, “I’m starting a new trend: Pineapple Chic! My hair has character, just like me!” You rock your quirky style with confidence, turning heads everywhere you go, owning the fact that life’s too short to sweat the small stuff.

Believing in Your Worth

To be a Soul Boss, we must believe in our worthiness of love and acceptance. If negative programming has convinced you that you need to please everyone to avoid guilt, it’s time to eliminate that self-sabotage. Remember, true strength comes from honoring your own needs and setting healthy boundaries. Embrace your uniqueness, and let go of the pressure to be perfect. You deserve love for who you are, not for who you think others want you to be. By releasing this burden, you open the door to authentic connections and true self-love.

When people love you for who you truly are, not just for the roles you play, you begin to attract your soul tribe. This is a group of like-minded individuals who appreciate your authentic self, quirks and all. As you embrace your true self, you create an environment of genuine connection and acceptance. This vibe is a magnet for deep relationships built on trust and mutual support. When you’re surrounded by people who see and value the real you, it becomes easier to live authentically and joyfully, creating a positive ripple effect in your life and the lives of others.

Staying True to Yourself

Stay true to yourself. An authentic person makes us feel at home. It’s that warm, welcoming feeling of knowing it’s okay to be imperfect and laugh at your mistakes. People trust when they know what they’re going to get. They relax and release anxiety, knowing you’re not lying because you are consistent in your beliefs, values, and behavior, even if it might be outlandish!

If you are finding this difficult, take some time each day to sit quietly with yourself and reflect. It doesn’t have to be long—just 15 or 30 minutes. Giving yourself this space to rethink and regroup helps you face any obstacle with a clear mind.

During this time, process the events of your day, whether they were positive or challenging. Reflecting allows you to make peace with the past and move forward. It also helps you gain a better perspective, which you can then share with others. Imagine sitting at a table that represents your life. If it feels cluttered and overwhelming—perhaps with challenges in your love life, finances, family, or work—take a moment to organise it. Sort through each issue, developing a plan to address them one by one. This process not only brings clarity but also holds you accountable for what’s on your table, helping you stay true to yourself.

Avoiding Imitation

The Danger of Imitation

Limiting yourself to fit into preconceived notions or societal expectations can stifle your true potential. When you constantly try to be what you think others want, you lose touch with your authentic self. Jay Shetty’s quote, “I am not who I think I am, nor am I who you think I am; I am what I think you think I am,” highlights how much we can be trapped in the perceptions of others. This mindset creates a false identity, preventing you from exploring who you truly are. Imagine you’ve always wanted to try painting, but you hold back because you believe you’re not talented enough. You worry about what others might think if your art isn’t perfect. This fear of judgment limits your creativity and prevents you from exploring a passion that could bring you joy. By letting these limitations control you, you miss out on the opportunity to express yourself and discover a new side of who you are. Instead, embracing the learning process and allowing yourself to create without fear can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

Mistakes serve as valuable teachers in our journey through life. They provide us with opportunities to learn, grow, and improve. When we embrace mistakes with humility and openness, we gain insights that guide us toward better decisions and actions in the future and the ego is shed. Each mistake teaches us something unique about ourselves and the world around us, helping us to develop resilience, empathy, and wisdom. By reframing mistakes as lessons rather than failures, we empower ourselves to navigate challenges with courage and determination, continually evolving into an optimal zenith.

Consequences of Superficiality

Imagine a world where superficiality reigns. In this smokes-and-mirrors domain, Instagram hearts are the gold standard of wealth, catfishing is a celebrated art form, and face masks serve not just to protect but to conceal the true expression of your lips. In this bizarre universe, conversations are shallow enough to float away like helium balloons. Tinder profiles list “swipe right if you own more than one designer handbag and you think you match my IG aesthetic and gym selfie connoisseur pics” as a hobby. Superficiality isn’t just skin-deep here; it’s a lifestyle.

The consequences? Well, forget deep connections; we’re talking about connections as shallow as a puddle after a light drizzle. You might catch yourself sizing up potential friends based on their shoes or having an existential meltdown trying to decide which filter makes your microwave dinner look gourmet enough to pass off as homemade. In this world, introspection is as rare as a unicorn in stilettos, and authenticity is so elusive that even chameleons envy its mastery of camouflage.

Five Simple Ways to Be the Real Deal

  1. Be True to You
  2. Think Inward, Look Outward, Listen Carefully
  3. Treat People How You Want to be Treated (Kindness and Respect)
  4. Live in the Moment
  5. Be Open-Minded and Fair with Opportunities and People

Authenticity in Practice

The Happiest Man on Earth

In a fascinating study, researchers discovered that Matthieu Ricard, a 66-year-old Tibetan monk, might just hold the secret to being the happiest person on earth. They hooked him up to 250 sensors while he meditated deeply on compassion and mindfulness, expecting interesting results—but what they found blew their minds! His brain lit up like a Christmas tree with happiness levels that soared off the charts. This experiment not only fascinated scientists but also got everyone talking about how meditation and staying chill might be the ultimate life hack for happiness.

Matthieu Ricard’s brain wasn’t just content; it was doing the happy dance of mental health. The study showed that his brain waves were super synchronised and buzzing with positive vibes, resilience, and all-around good feelings. It’s like he had a happiness spa day going on up there! This research suggests that maybe we can all tap into some of that bliss by practicing meditation and finding our inner zen. Who knew happiness could be as simple as thanking the universe for having a good night’s sleep and savouring your morning coffee?

Authenticity at Work

According to the ‘Be Yourself at Work’ movement, it seems like a lot of us are walking around with our work selves and our real selves playing hide and seek. Only 24% of folks are confident they’ve found ‘the real them,’ and even fewer—just 16%—think they can bring that genuine self to the workplace. However, when people embrace their authentic selves at work, their performance levels can skyrocket by an impressive 85%. That’s like getting an unexpected salary bonus on the day you take your lucky crystal to work in your pocket!

So, knowing who you really are isn’t just a deep philosophical quest—It’s like having a special shortcut to a more fulfilling career and a life that feels vibrant and dynamic, rather than repetitive like a cubicle-shaped Groundhog Day. Imagine picking a job that aligns with your core values and personality. It’s not just about paying bills; it’s about waking up on Monday mornings with a spring in your step because you’re excited about what you’re doing. So, next time you’re at a crossroads in your career, ask yourself: “What would the real me do?” It might just lead you to a job where your quirks are celebrated, your skills shine, and every day feels like Casual Friday for your soul.

The Benefits of Keeping It Real

Enhanced Emotional Well-Being

Authenticity is more than just a buzzword; it’s a way of living that brings a multitude of benefits, both tangible and intangible. Keeping it real in professional settings propels sincere career growth by earning trust and respect among colleagues and supervisors. It allows you to bring your whole self to work, enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills. Moreover, embracing authenticity contributes to better physical health by reducing stress and promoting a more balanced lifestyle.

Living an Authentic Life

Go forward and live an authentic life today. Watch as your thoughts, words, and actions change and influence the world around you in a bolder, more positive way! Here is a healing hack to help you on your way: Affirm: “I embrace my authenticity today and witness the transformative power of my thoughts, words, and actions. As I align with my true self, I radiate positivity and courage, inspiring others and creating a ripple of positive change in the world around me.”

Finding Your Soul Purpose

Looking for soul purpose? I am about to launch an exciting new program of self-discovery and currently offer my clients soul coaching, healing, counseling, and mentorship programs online and in Aspendale. Click this link for contact details:


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