Signs, Symbols

The Universe is Whispering to You

There are messages in the birdsong outside your window, the formation of clouds in the sky, or even in your coffee cup. You can find them in the waves crashing against the shore, on the billboards you see as you walk through the city, in the lyrics of songs that spontaneously appear on the radio, and in the dreams we have while we sleep. These messages provide powerful insights into who we are and what our direction is.

These subtle whispers from the universe remind us that life is not just a series of random events but a labyrinth of realities with purpose and meaning. They are the cosmic nudges guiding us towards our true selves and our deepest desires. Whether it’s a chance encounter with a stranger who shares your passion, a sudden epiphany while watching a sunset, or a recurring symbol that keeps appearing in unexpected places, each sign is a thread in the intricate design of our journey. Paying attention to these signs allows us to navigate through uncertainty with clarity and courage, trusting that the universe is conspiring in our favour to lead us to where we are meant to be.  The universe has your back!

Reconnecting with Ancient Wisdom

Indigenous cultures have always known how to interpret these powerful messages, but with our pre-occupation with media, technology, and stress in the Western World, we have become more and more unaware of our connection to the earth and from our own intuition and magic. The earth has unlimited wisdom to share with us if we listen and wants to help us make the right choices for ourselves and our communities. In this time of great change, it’s important to listen to planetary consciousness so we can interpret its important information and reflect on ourselves and the world. These can be tiny signs that can almost be missed as well as big bolts from the blue.

Embracing Wonder and Curiosity

I invite you to walk through your day with eyes wide open, full of the wonder of a young child. Our conditioned, analytical brains are always at the ready, dying to talk us out of a premonition and rule out our sense of mystery. Let that go. The more you consciously look, the more you see. Spiritual practices are about curiosity and trusting yourself. Listen—the Universe is talking. One of my favorite ways to get a sign to start off my day is by looking for patterns in the curtains or the knobbly paintwork on my ceiling. I see a sign every morning, but each morning there is a different symbol waiting for me to interpret it, and I never see the same one more than once. Here are three more signs to look out for:

Animals and Plants

A fox appears from an abandoned alleyway and stares at you for a second too long. You walk into a spider web and feel it on your face, but nothing is there. A cat crosses your path and stops you from walking into the road just as a car spins round the bend at breakneck speed. A butterfly lands on a page of the book you are reading. You smile as the vibrant butterfly rests on the words and you stop to take in what the words say. The sun shines directly onto a solitary flower, which happens to be your late Mum’s favorite bloom. Or you dream that a grizzly bear is chasing you through the woods, and no matter how fast you try to run, you’re in slow motion. Animals have different historic and cultural meanings and associations; for example, birds represent freedom, and reptiles, the oldest living creatures on earth, can symbolise eternity and longevity.


Synchronicities are like the universe winking at you, a mystical tool for tapping into your intuition. Imagine pondering a question and just as you’re about to text a friend for advice, they magically call you first. Or picture strolling through a bustling shopping centre when a song with the exact lyrics you needed to hear serenades you from the speakers, like a secret message sent just for you. Perhaps you’re daydreaming about furthering your education, and as if on cue, a bus whizzes by with a university ad emblazoned on its side, beckoning you to take the leap. Once, I whispered to the universe for a sign to bring more prosperity into my life, and later that day, while driving to pick up my son from school, an ad played on the radio offering a study participation opportunity that paid thousands of dollars. These moments are not mere coincidences but enchanting nudges from the cosmos, guiding you along your destined path.


Dream decoding is an ancient practice that transcends cultures, revealing the hidden messages within our subconscious minds. Each dream carries its own unique symbolism and meaning, often reflecting our deepest fears, desires, and insights. For instance, dreaming that all your teeth fall out, leaving you with only gums, can be a vivid signal from your psyche, indicating a need to focus on your health and well-being. This unsettling image might be your mind’s way of urging you to take better care of yourself, perhaps suggesting a visit to the doctor or a shift towards healthier habits.

In the realm of dreams, where reality bends and imagination intertwines, every journey unfolds as an adventure that defies the constraints of logic and reason. Here, the whistling wind outside your window transforms into a symphony of secrets, whispered by ancient trees that sway in harmony with the heartbeat of the universe. Clouds in the sky shape-shift into mythical creatures dancing across an ever-changing canvas of azure and gold and the characters you encounter carry prophecies and visions of distant lands and untold destinies waiting to be discovered.

Amidst this enchanting land of make believe, faces in dreams blur the boundaries of time and identity. You may see a familiar figure, yet know deep within that it embodies the essence of another soul entirely—a guardian spirit guiding you through realms of imagination. These encounters in the ethereal realms offer glimpses into the interconnectedness of all beings, where the lines between self and other dissolve, revealing the intricate web of existence woven by dreams and whispers from beyond.

When you wake up from such dreams, it’s essential to tune into your feelings and bodily sensations. How do you feel emotionally and physically? Is there a lingering sense of anxiety or relief? Does any part of your body feel tense or unusually relaxed? These sensations can provide additional clues about the underlying messages your dream is trying to convey. By paying attention to these subtle cues, you can gain a deeper understanding of your inner world and how it relates to your waking life. This practice of dream decoding not only enriches your self-awareness but also empowers you to make informed decisions that enhance your overall well-being.

Applying Universal Metaphors in Life

When we begin to apply universal metaphors in our lives, it’s as if we’re handed a magical compass that guides us through the labyrinth of existence. We walk though a place where every star and planet aligns to whisper secrets just for you. The gentle rustling of leaves becomes a sacred language, each rustle a word in the grand dialogue of the universe. A fox appearing in your path isn’t just a coincidence but a mystical signpost directing you towards a hidden truth. Synchronicities become celestial winks from the universe, encouraging you to trust the unseen currents that shape your journey. As you decode your dreams, you unlock ancient wisdom stored within your soul, each symbol a key to deeper self-understanding. By embracing these metaphors, you tap into a profound interconnectedness, allowing you to navigate life’s twists and turns with the grace of one who is in tune with the very heartbeat of the world.

When I am soul coaching clients, I encourage them to use these universal metaphors to help guide them through life.  When we stop to smell the roses we appreciate and recognise the beauty of life.  If you would like to find out more, feel free to contact me by following this link: