Psychic Detective

Unveiling the Enigma: Insights from the Tarot on the Mystery of Kathleen’s Murder

I recently plunged into the gripping and thought-provoking novel 5 Drops of Blood by Paul Wilson. This page-turner unravels the story of Andrew Fitzherbert, a gentle palm and tarot reader from Brisbane, who also led a spiritualist church and meditation group. As a psychic reader, I frequently practice remote viewing, using photos and my clairvoyance to locate missing people and pets. Intrigued by Andrew’s story, I felt compelled to see what the tarot might reveal about this enigmatic case.

Andrew Fitzherbert was convicted for the murder of Dr. Kathleen Marshall, a veterinarian found brutally stabbed in her home practice with 52 shallow wounds on her back, upper body, face, and head. She tragically bled to death on that fateful day in February 1998. Remarkably, Andrew is the only person in Australian history, and one of just three worldwide, to be convicted solely on DNA evidence—despite having an alibi and no apparent motive. The case hinged on five drops of blood, closely matching his DNA, found on cardboard at the crime scene. Yet, questions linger: was Andrew truly present, or was the DNA planted or miscalculated? The mystery shrouding this case remains, and many still fight for his release, even 15 years later.

Inspired by this unsolved mystery, I turned to the tarot for insights. Could the cards shed light on whether justice has been served, or if a murderer remains free? While tarot may not definitively solve cases, it can offer profound insights and a unique way to hone my skills. As I laid out the spread, I found myself deeply immersed, wondering about the truth hidden within the shadows of this haunting tale.

WHO? Who murdered Kathleen? Page of Swords

The Page of Swords hints at a troublemaker, eager to prove themselves, perhaps recklessly wielding their metaphorical sword. This character might be impulsive, impatient for confrontation, and prone to acting without thinking. Driven by a need to assert their superiority, they could be defending against perceived threats, eager to engage, and lacking the wisdom that comes with experience. Could this be a youthful, impetuous figure, quick to clash and challenge the status quo?

Was it male or female? Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups suggests a complex figure—either a deep, sensitive man or a woman who masks her intentions. She may appear nurturing, but underneath, she could be manipulative, using emotional displays to influence others. This person might play the role of a damsel in distress, feigning vulnerability to hide her true motives. Her awareness of others’ feelings could be a tool, manipulating those around her while concealing a darker agenda. Who is truly behind the mask—caring confidante or cunning puppeteer?

2. WHAT? What events led to Kathleen’s tragic fate? 4 Wands

The 4 of Wands paints a picture of Kathleen’s life where her home and veterinary practice harmoniously coexisted, forming a prosperous and secure environment. Her achievements may have shone so brightly that envy could have brewed among those around her. Did this envy sow the seeds of a sinister plot?

3. WHEN? 2 Cups

The 2 of Cups suggests that Kathleen’s life intersected with another’s in a close bond—be it a relationship, friendship, or professional partnership. Was it during this union of souls that tragedy struck? The intertwining of lives often holds secrets and tensions beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered. These tarot insights invite us to explore the complexities of Kathleen’s life and relationships, raising questions about envy, alliances, and the fateful moments that altered the course of her destiny.

4. WHERE? 3 Pentacles

While Kathleen’s murder occurred at her home, the 3 of Pentacles suggests a motive rooted in work or finances. Pentacles encompass material wealth, career pursuits, and financial stability. In October 2000, turmoil engulfed the Cat Protection Society of Queensland, housed at Kathleen’s residence. Internal disputes, financial discrepancies—including the alleged disappearance of $90,000—and the fallout from Andrew Fitzherbert’s trial had thrown the organisation into chaos. Virginia Houston defended its integrity, arguing for its continued role in cat welfare amid accusations and investigations.

5. WHY? Tower

The intrigue and conflict the Tower card depicts, invites us to delve deeper into the complex web of relationships and motivations that may have culminated in Kathleen’s fate. Why did Kathleen meet such a tragic end? The Tower card, symbolising sudden upheaval and catastrophe, hints at deep-seated grievances or explosive emotions. Kathleen’s assertive nature and outspoken demeanor, combined with her role in a singles social group, had garnered both respect and resentment. Her turbulent history with Virginia Houston, marked by public clashes and personal confrontations, reached a boiling point. Kathleen’s rise to director of the society, amid internal strife and financial mismanagement, exacerbated tensions. Just weeks before her death, a heated altercation at her doorstep resulted in police intervention, further igniting animosity.

As the Cat Protection Society faced imminent liquidation and accusations swirled, Kathleen’s leadership was scrutinised, leaving behind a trail of discord and suspicion. Did these pressures push someone over the edge?

6. How? How did this happen? Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles, heralding new beginnings in wealth and career, begs the question: what financial or professional event sparked this tragedy? Could a contentious financial decision or a coveted job opportunity have stirred up resentments? The coin in the card’s grasp hints at potential conflicts over money or career paths. Was this the catalyst that ignited simmering tensions?

And amidst these financial considerations, why was Andrew Fitzherbert, a renouncer of materialism, turned meditation teacher at his church, drawn into this web? His unexpected involvement adds a layer of mystery to the unfolding drama. What role did his psychic abilities play in this earthly turmoil?


The last three cards I did as clarifiers were:


7. Is Andrew Fitzherbert guilty? 9 Swords

The 9 of Swords in tarot evokes haunting guilt, anxiety, and inner turmoil, often consuming the mind more than the external truth. Reports claim Andrew Fitzherbert trembled and paled under interrogation about the murder, vehemently refusing a blood test due to a distrust of law enforcement. As a prominent psychic medium, could he have foreseen his own downfall, his psychic sensitivity amplifying his anxiety even if innocent? The shadows of doubt loom large, begging the question: was this fear a premonition or a consequence of unjust accusation?


8. Could Andrew have been set up in some way? 7 Cups

The 7 of Cups in tarot spins a tale of illusions and myriad possibilities, veiled in mystery and fantasy rather than stark reality. It hints at deception and confusion, where appearances may deceive and truth is obscured. Like castles in the sky, dreams and unrealistic aspirations cloud judgment, suggesting that what seemed real may have been a mirage.

In Andrew’s perplexing case, the 7 of Cups suggests he might have fallen victim to deception or manipulation. Was he ensnared by false accusations or framed by hidden agendas? The card’s symbolism invites us to question perceptions and consider the possibility that his innocence could be obscured by illusions or misdirection.

9. Who would do this? 8 Pentacles

Who could be behind such a calculated act? The 8 of Pentacles embodies meticulous attention to detail and relentless dedication to mastery—a trait often seen in those honing their skills or striving for perfection. Did criminologists or forensic scientists, driven by their pursuit of flawless DNA evidence, inadvertently develop tunnel vision in their hunt for a culprit? Perhaps in their quest for justice, they focused so intensely on one path that crucial details were overlooked, casting shadows on the investigation’s thoroughness.

10. How would that be possible? King of Wands

Enter the King of Wands, a figure of authority and charisma, wielding influence with unwavering determination. In the pursuit of justice, this commanding presence may have shaped the narrative, leading investigators and jurors alike down a singular path. With their persuasive prowess, did they inadvertently mould perceptions to fit a predetermined outcome? Their resolute focus on apprehending the perpetrator may have inadvertently shaped the course of the investigation and trial, raising questions about the impartiality and completeness of the process.


The question still remains in my mind, was an innocent man condemned to a life behind bars? The tale of Kathleen’s murder continues to echo with unanswered questions and lingering doubts, challenging us to seek clarity and justice in the face of uncertainty. As time unfolds, may the veils of illusion and misconception be lifted, revealing the elusive truths that lie buried within this enigmatic case.